Sunday, August 8, 2010

Archives: Heartline Cafe 9/6/97

Heartline Cafe (restaurant - not brewpub)
Sedona, AZ
Sat. 9/6/97 8:00pm

(restaurant is still open - they do not list available beers on their website)

Beer selection at dinner that evening was from Oak Creek Brewing Company - their Nut Brown Ale.

Oak Creek Brewing is located less than one mile from the restaurant, which is not a brewpub. The Nut Brown was the only beer on draught that night.

Beer notes:
Becky: Dark, like a porter, with a lot of other porter characteristics. Nice chocolately malt flavor. Mildly to moderately hopped. Great finish. A pleasant taste lingered in the mouth long after swallowing.

John: Largely ditto. The porter characteristics were very prevalent and attractive. The taste got better as I continued drinking. I've never had a nut brown with so many porter characteristics. A good beer.

Ranking: 8.7

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