Triple 7 Brewery
Main Street Station Casino
Las Vegas, NV
Fri. 5/24/02, 8:30pm
House Brews:
Royal Red Lager
Black Chip Porter (J)
Marker Pale Ale
High Roller Red (Cathy)
Brewmasters Special - Hefewiesen (B)
Crowded and noisy place! Lakers-Kings game on the many tvs. Trip to Las Vegas was to celebrate Cathy's long-awaited college graduation. She had a beer, but did not participate in evaluating and ranking hers.
Hefeweisen: Served with a lemon slice. Cloudy wheat color - no head. Removed the lemon as it overpowered the aroma. Pleasant flavor (once lemon slice is gone). The beer is lightly lemony and lightly wheat. A nice warmth is left in the back of the throat. A shame there is no real body to this beer. The mouthfeel is basically empty of any characteristic other than flavor. This is a pleasant and refreshing beer, but weakly executed in its production. 7.8
Black Chip Porter: Decent head that disappeared slowly. There is a nice malt taste, but the beer needs another flavor to make it interesting. The body is also almost missing. The menu claims there is chocolate and toffee undertones, but if they are there, they are weak. It's too bad - the underlying beer is quite good it just needs a little work. The beer warms up decently. It adds a little body as time goes on. 8.0
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