Sunday, August 8, 2010

Archives: Breckenridge Brewery, 6/27/98

Breckenridge Brewery
Buffalo, NY
Sat. 6/27/98, 4:30pm
[probably closed - could not find information]

House Brews:
Mountain Wheat
Avalanche Ale (B)
Oatmeal Stout
Old World Pilsner
Cask-conditioned IPA (sample)

Eating outdoors on Buffalo's Main Street - which only police cars and trolley cars can drive on.

Avalanche Ale: Medium amber color. Head quickly dissipating. Aroma is thin - as in muted - but well balanced. Both malt and hops evident throughout although malt predominates. Good body. Flavor in mouth not noticeable, a slight finish which shows up in strength in the post-swallow swallow. The echo is stronger than the original. An intriguing effect but it shouldn't be that way. A stronger initial taste and finish would do this beer well. The flavors that do show up in the swallow or the echo are nicely balanced. The beer warms up nicely - more malts predominating. 7.9

IPA: Lighter and thinner than the average IPA. A pleasant hoppy aroma. In the first tastes, the "echo" effect Becky describes was quite noticeable. As the beer warmed up, the effect was reduced - or is it the fact that my mouth is tingling from the hops! A regular IPA drinker would like this beer - it has a definite strong hoppy taste. The beer does improve as it warms up - but it's still out of balance re: the swallow. Not a bad representative of the style but they need to work on getting the taste into the full swallow instead of the after-swallow. 7.8

Cask-conditioned IPA: Unfiltered. Musky vinegar aroma. The echo is noticeable but not as strong. Or could it be the peppercorn from dinner stuck in my tooth? Too much of a sour taste in my mouth for a truly enjoyable experience. 7.6

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