Richbrau Brewing Company
Richmond, VA
Sat. 7/29/00, 2:30pm
House Brews:
Golden Griffen Ale
Old Nick Pale Ale
Big Nasty Porter (sample)
Honey Wheat (B)
Hefeweisen (J)
Honey Wheat: Pale gold with a large white foamy head. Unfiltered. A sweet yeasty aroma - not a lot of honey evident. A bit more bitter than I expected - the honey is more apparent in the beer's ability to coat and stick to the tongue than in its sweetening properties. The body is decent, and the malt/hop balance is well-executed. Really the only thing missing is a bit of expected honey sweetness. A pretty good all-around beer but the honey should have more of a voice. 8.2
Hefeweisen: No head. Becky says it smells very sour. Unfiltered, with good body. Not much of a taste on some swallows - other swallows have a decent, if somewhat sour, taste. Nothing special. 7.7
Big Nasty Porter: John's notes: Smells chocolately. Not as good a body as the other beers. You start to swallow and the flavor hits you like a freight train. It's a very concentrated malt flavor - not a classic porter, but interesting. Becky's notes: It blew up in my mouth! The effect is quite similar to a champagne or other sparkling beverage. Not what is expected of a porter. Not very hoppy, but very very malty! 8.1
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