Rocky Run Tap & Grill
Columbia, MD
Sun. 5/10/97, 1:45pm
House Brews:
Barrell Stout
McKenzy Brothers Red (sample)
Maple Leaf Lemon Wheat
Pale Ale
Olympic Gold Pale Ale
Winterfest (J)
Marzen (B)
Very busy - of course, it's Mother's Day!
Marzen: Pale golden color. Effervescent but no head! Aroma is a very light smell. Reminiscent of the aroma of Molson or Labatts (well, they did say Canadian style). Ok, this is what it tastes like too. Better than Budweiser but far far too weak for this now-educated palate. For what they attempted to brew, they succeeded. This is a non-threatening beer for the Bud crowd. It is not a Marzen. 7.2
Winterfest: A dunkels-style beer. Good aroma. A creamy head that disappeared quickly. Not much of a taste initially - a decent malt taste in the finish. Frankly, it's a very average beer that's weaker than I want and without much character. 7.4
McKenzy Brothers Red Ale: Not a lot of red in the actual color of the beer. A thick creamy head over a murky golden beer. Aroma - none discernible. Flavor - the closest it comes it a gentle tingle when initially put into the mouth. No finish to speak of - a very gentle taste of hops. The body is good. That part they have correct. But less flavor than the Bud clone - and less than a Molson. 6.8
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