Albany Pump Station
Albany, NY
Fri. 9/10/04, 8pm
Very busy, industrial style brewpub. Resembles the one at Main Street Station in Downtown Las Vegas. The food looks and smells great as it passes by us.
House Brews:
Scottish Light
Quackenbush Blonde
Bavarian-Style Hefeweisen
Belgian-Style Strong Ale (B)
Extra Stout (sample)
Pump Station Pale Ale
Kiss-Ass Brown (J) (2000 & 2002 GABF Gold medal winner)
Belgian: Not opaque, but neither clear gold color. A slight but staying head. Fruity, yeasty aroma. I have to compare it to Victory's Golden Monkey as they have many similarities. This version is spicier and the alcohol more apparent (i.e., you can feel it coming instead of Monkey's stealth approach). Definite hefeweisen grandchild. The body is slightly thin for the Belgian style, and the spiciness can be cloying. The faults are not glaring, just observable, and it's still an enjoyable beer to drink. It just isn't as good as the Monkey. 8.6
Kiss-Ass Brown: Very little head. Nice dark brown color. I really like the body and mouthfeel of this beer. Unfortunately the taste is inconsistent. Some swallows I get a real zingy combination of malt and hops. Other times, there isn't that much to taste. If I make sure to swish it around in my mouth, it's quite a good beer. 8.4
Extra Stout: Deep brown/black opaque. No head at all, which is so unusual for a stout. A rich roasty malt aroma, which was verified in the flavor. The taste is very rich, but the body is thin, which it probably should be in order to drink it (because of the rich flavor). For what they wanted to make - they succeeded. 8.7
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