Appalachian Brewing Co.
Harrisburg, PA
Sun. 4/19/98, 2:20pm
House Brews:
Water Gap Wheat
Purist Pale Ale
Jolly Scot (B)
Susquehanna Stout (J)
Hoppy New Year IPA
Heather Ale
Riverside Red Ale
Hefeweisen (sample)
Warehouse style building. Nice stained glass doors at entry.
Jolly Scot: (Scottish Ale): Thick foamy cream colored head. Clear dark red color. Aroma heavy on malt. Body is decent, a tad on the light side. Finish... not found on the first swallow. It's better on the 2nd but could definitely be improved. There is a warm glow in the thoat, but it's more of a feeling than a taste. 7.8
Susquehanna Stout: Nice head and aroma. Dark stout color. Nice hoppy flavor in the initial swallow, which disappears in the finish. The body is pretty good - a little more body would have been nice. There is a hint of a nice complex stout taste - but only a hint. Not bad, but it could be a lot better with some work. 7.8
Hefe-weisen: Thick, almost whipped-cream head. Murky color - definitely unfiltered. Aroma heavy on banana! And these bananas are ready to turn into bread. It's almost comical that the flavor is, for all intents, almost entirely the clove. Body and carbonation are top-rate. Too much! of both banana in the aroma and clove in the taste. 6.8
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