Saturday, August 14, 2010

Archives: Bosco's, 2/2/07

Little Rock, AR
Fri. 2/2/07 5:45pm

On the riverfront next to Clinton Library. Woody bar, friendly staff.

House Brews:
Baltic Porter (B)
Ray's Honey Rye
Bosco's XXX IPA
Bosco's Wee Heavy (sample)
Flaming Stone Beer (Mel)
Bombay IPA
Downtown Brown
Isle of Skye Scottish Ale (sample)
Cask Conditioned Ale

(Becky was travelling with friend Melodie; John was not present. Mel did not rank her beer but allowed me several sips to evaluate it.)

Baltic Porter: Dark and opaque like coffee. Minimal head faded quickly. Malty, chocolately aroma. Sweet taste with substantial mouthfeel. Enough hops to keep it interesting - not enough for a hophead, but I like it. Nicely brewed with just enough balance between hops and malts to make you pay attention. Excellent body as well. They have learned that beer (like love) is thicker than water. Sweet but not cloying. Bitters slightly upon warming, but goes fabulously with the artichoke calzone. 8.7

Flaming Stone: Medium-sized head that lingers and coats the glass. Honey gold color, slightly cloudy. Slight aroma. Light body, appropriate for the style. Slightly sweet flavor. Mouthfeel is unmemorable. This is their light beer, but better made than many. 8.1

Wee Heavy: No head, no discernible aroma. Deep garnet color. Very faint flavor. Decent body - possibly garlic has killed my tastebuds (damn fine calzone but Mel can't taste it either). As it warms a slight Scotch characteristic appears and makes the beer more appealing. 8.3

Scottish Ale: Dark garnet. No head. Slight smoky aroma. Smoky taste too but not unpleasantly so. However it has less outstanding characteristics than the porter. Enough body. Solid but not outstanding or overly flamboyant. Enough hops to make the tongue tingle. No vanilla apparent as mentioned on the menu. 7.9

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