Thursday, August 19, 2010

Archives: Coeur d'Alene Brewing, 8/4/07

Coeur d'Alene Brewing
Coeur d'Alene, ID
Sat. 8/4/07, 6:45pm
[status unknown]

Sunny, beautiful day with many crowds converging on the small city for an arts festival.

House Brews:
Centennial Pale Ale
Golden Ale
Honeymoon Wheat Ale
Lakeside British (brown ale)
Huckleberry Ale
Vanilla Bourbon Stout (not avail)
Rockford Bay IPA
Pullman Porter
Strawberry Hefeweisen
Double Stack IPA

Overwhelmed by the number of choices, we ordered a sampler.

1. Huckleberry: Becky's notes: Very pale gold, cloudy head that's already gone. Deep fruity aroma, not quite like blueberry but it's probably closer to that than anything else. Nice flavor and body. John's notes: Pleasant taste - a nice light fruit beer. This is what a light beer should taste like. 8.3

2. Golden Ale: Becky's notes: Also pale gold with no head, but this one is clear. This is their beginner's beer and it serves that purpose nicely. It has character and flavor, not too much to scare the Bud drinkers. But it's not really enough to keep our attention long. John's notes: Not much more I can add to that. 7.7

3. Honeymoon Wheat: Becky's notes: Very cloudy, muddy brown color. Head gone, as it is on all the samples. Yeasty smelling. Almost grainy, the flavor is so wheaty. Very thick and full mouthfeel. John's notes: It's almost chewy. An interesting beer, but not sure how much of it I'd drink. 7.7

4. C d'A Amber: not avail

5. Centennial Pale Ale: Becky's notes: Clear, light gold. No aroma, despite attempting to snort it. John's notes: A few hops, and not that much malt taste. Kind of on the weak side. When it warms up a little bit, it has some more taste. Becky's notes: Some bitter hops in the finish. Not all that complicated for a pale ale. 7.8

6. Lakeside British Ale: Becky's notes: Deep garnet color. Smells of cocoa and coffee tinged malts. Hops tickled my lips, then I got the malts when I swallowed. The aroma delivers. This beer would go great with many desserts. Nicely balanced malts & hops (although it's a little backwards sometimes). Can also find some of the "nut" in this nut brown. Very nice body (as all the beers so far have had). John's notes: This is the best one so far. Nice balance, and plenty of both malt and hops. Well done. 8.5

7. Scottish Ale: Becky's notes: Reddish chestnut color. Faint aroma. The flavor doesn't really deliver what the name implies. It's not a bad beer, but it's not a Scottish ale. Closest probably to a red ale. John's notes: Reminds me of Frederick Brewing Company's ESB Red Ale, with a touch fewer hops. It's tasty, but not quite sure what it is. 8.0

8. Pullman Porter: Becky's notes: Deep rich brown color. Head gone - their carbonation is needing work. A very satisfying malty aroma. On this one, the body is a bit thin, which is odd because they have done body just right so far. The malt promise delivers fully, and a nice kick of hops is added. The hops were not a surprise due to the beer style, but were not found in the aroma. John's notes: I like the taste of it - it has a good balance of a chocolate undertone with some malts and hops. 8.5

9. Bourbon Vanilla Stout: Not avail. (darn it!)

10. Rockford Bay IPA: Becky's notes: Cough. Cough. Cough. Medium gold color. strong hops aroma which puckered my nose. John's notes: Becky is choking on it. There is a slight malt undertone, but it could use some more. Body is a bit weak. The balance is off. Not that impressed. 7.6

11. Strawberry Hefeweisen: Becky's notes: Cloudy strawberry blonde color. Quite fruity aroma, although a bit sour. Rather sweet, like "who put jam in my beer?" This would taste good on toast. Maybe beer IS for breakfast? John's notes: Can you say FRUIT!!! beer? I'd like some beer with my fruit, please. Becky's notes: Smucker's beer? 7.4

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