Bluegrass Brewing Company
Louisville, KY
Fri. 5/23/03, 2:30pm
House Brews:
Bluegrass Gold
Nut Brown Ale
American Pale Ale
Dark Star Porter (B)
Luna de Miel (B)
Hell for Certain (J)
Hells Boch
Hoppy Hefeweisen
American Amber
Ambiance of a beachside bar in the area of East Louisville just where manicured suburbs give way to more crowded sidewalks.
Luna de Miel: Served in small wine glass. ABV approximately 9.0 per waitress. Deep ruby red color. Very sweet fruity aroma. Delicious flavor - not overly sweet although the honey is noticeable. Not champagne-like effervesence. Almost more of a wine than a beer. Strictly, I'd say it's a meade. There is next to no aftertaste; it disappears almost as quickly as it is swallowed. While not a bad fault, a less subtle memory is desirable. It does bring on a warm glow, not surprising for its potency. Body slightly thin for beer - probably appropriate for meade. 8.8
Hell for Certain: An almost opaque beer - foggy amber color. Nice potent smell. It has a very complex, enjoyable taste. A little weak in body. If this beer had more body, it would have a 9 somthing score. It leaves a very enjoyable warm feeling in your throat. 8.8
Dark Star Porter: Named after 1953 Kentucky Derby winner. Deep dark brown with thick creamy head - looks possibly nitrous tapped. No noticeable aroma through the foam. No real noticeable aroma even after the foam as dissipated. Thin body hurts this beer. The flavor is thin too. What flavor there is isn't bad, but it takes some effort to locate it. Taste is decently balanced between hops and chocolate, but it is so muted it is strangled. 7.3
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