Thursday, September 9, 2010

Rock Bottom Brewery, 5/10/08

Rock Bottom Brewery
Bethesda, MD
Saturday, 5/10/08, 1:30pm


House Brews:
Lumpy Dog Light Lager
Rock Creek Pale Ale
Raccoon Red ESB
Brown Bear Brown (B)
Stillwater Stout (J)
Seasonal: Kolsch

Brown Bear Brown Ale: Medium brown with a definite auburn glow. Minimal head. Faint aroma of mostly malts. Body is thin. Pretty decent balance between the malts and hops, although it's definitely of the "Part A, malts, then part B, hops" train of thought. Other than being in the same glass, they've not been formally introduced. The beer has good flavor and is refreshing but it's surprisingly uncomplex for a medal winner, particularly for Scottish-style. I do find it more Scottish style than brown ale, so the name is confusing. As the beer warms, the malts and hops meet and mingle, improving the rating a bit. 7.9

Stillwater Stout: Nitro poured head - a trace remains after the nitrogen wears off. Nice dark color. Malts show up in the initial taste. Not much happens in the swallow. There is a little bit of coffee in the taste, but I missed the chocolate malts for the most part. When I swallow, I want to know where the rest of the beer went. It's drinkable, but not very interesting. Body is a bit thin, but not horrible. 7.7

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